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Market consensus of analysts

Annual financial indicators, million RUB

2009 2010 2011 2012F 2013F
Actual/Average forecast 11 393 14 677 18 591 22 203 23 765
Max - - - 25 769 32 327
Min - - - 18 234 16 252

Dynamics of annual financial indicators (actual/forecast)

These estimations of analysts are presented by Bloomberg LP under an agreement between Bloomberg LP and IDGC of Centre and are based on forecasts made by analysts of investment banks, covering IDGC of Centre. Any opinions, estimates or projections relating to IDGC of Centre, are the private opinions of investment analysts and do not represent opinions, estimates or forecasts of IDGC of Centre or Management of IDGC of Centre. Disclosure of the above information does not imply its approval or consent to it by IDGC of Centre. IDGC of Centre does not guarantee the accuracy of this information, which may be abridged or incomplete, and is not responsible for the consequences of use of these opinions, estimates or forecasts.