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Power engineering students to undergo a pre-graduation internship at Rosseti Centre in Moscow

29.11.2023 On behalf of General Director of Rosseti Centre, PJSC - the managing organization of Rosseti Centre and Volga region, PJSC Igor Makovskiy, an online meeting was held between students of Ivanovo State Power Engineering University and heads of the Executive Office of the Companies.

The best graduates of the master’s program of the specialized university were invited to undergo an internship in their specialty with the prospect of employment in the company.

The meeting participants discussed areas of activity that interest them, areas of research and topics of scientific work of the young specialists. During an internship at the energy company, the students will have a unique chance to acquire not only additional information, but also invaluable experience.

The young power engineers unanimously agreed that an internship at the largest Russian energy company, which provides electricity to more than 26 million consumers, is a great honour and a nice start to a career.

“Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga region are maximally involved in the process of training young specialists. We carry out career guidance work starting from school. For us, this is an investment in the future. Human resource potential is one of the key factors in the competitiveness of any company,” noted Igor Makovskiy.

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