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IDGC of Centre, PJSC published its integrated annual report for 2019


IDGC of Centre, PJSC for the first time presented the results of the Company in the form of an integrated annual report for 2019. The report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s Global Sustainability Standards (GRI standards), including a specialized application for companies in the electricity sector, and corresponds to the Core level in terms of completeness of information disclosure. The report went through a certification process in the form of public hearings.

The document discloses the financial, economic and production results of IDGC of Centre for the reporting period, as well as the development of the Company as a socially responsible business. The content of the report is determined by the topics in the field of sustainable development and corporate responsibility that are most significant for the Company and its stakeholders: projects of the Digital Transformation Program, plans for the consolidation of territorial grid organizations (TGOs), sustainability of the Company (plans for the development of value-added services and an increase in the share of non-tariff revenue) and a stable business model, work with contractors, respect for human rights, social support programs for employees, energy and resource saving, the ESG factors, incentive programs for employees, transparency of its dividend policy. The list of significant topics is formed taking into account the requests of key stakeholders of the Company.

One of the key topics disclosed in the report is the start of the first stage of the Digital Transformation Concept. In the reporting year, the Company completed about 30% of all the activities of the first stage, designed for five years, which is twice as much as it was originally planned. The relevant thematic section of the report provides information on all key projects of the Digital Transformation Program, the stages of their implementation, and also describes the effects of their implementation.

In order to objectively reflect the results of achieving the sustainable development goals, the Company plans to annually disclose a wide range of non-financial performance indicators and regularly consult with key stakeholders to take into account their interests. IDGC of Centre expects that the disclosure of information in the form of an integrated annual report will become an important tool to increase information disclosure and transparency of the Company’s operations.

To view the integrated annual report for 2019, please follow the link:

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