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Productive potential

Productive potential

Productive potential indicators1 in 2020 – 2024

Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Length of power lines (along ROW), km: 0,6 396 327 397 297 400 876 402 850 405 650
– Length of 35-110 kV Conductors (along ROW) 0,1 51 298 51 463 51 345 51 344 51 439
– Length of 0.4-10 kV Conductors (along ROW) 0,6 324 134 325 061 326 443 327 639 329 799
– Length of 0.4-110 kV Cables 1,1 20 895 20 772 23 088 23 868 24 412
Capacity of Substations, MVA: 0,9 54 544 55 012 55 945 56 487 57 893
– Capacity of 35-110 kV Substations 0,6 34 591 34 863 34 927 35 208 35 500
– Capacity of 6-10/0.4 kV Transformer and Distribution Substations 1,5 19 953 20 149 21 018 21 279 22 393
Number of Substations, pcs: 1,1 103 881 104 514 105 963 106 793 108 050
– Number of 35-110 kV Substations 0,1 2 378 2 380 2 384 2 389 2 397
– Number of 6-10/0.4 kV Transformer and Distribution Substations 1,2 101 503 102 134 103 579 104 404 105 653
Number of c.u. 5,0 2 488 903 2 606 101 2 759 124 2 808 444 2 890 695
Number of Distribution Zones, pcs -7,2 257 217 218 218 219
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Length of 35-110 kV Conductors (along ROW)1 broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

km Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 0,5 4 287 4 272 4 271 4 270 4 317
Bryanskenergo 0,1 3 553 3 554 3 554 3 554 3 554
Voronezhenergo 0,0 6 806 6 793 6 784 6 778 6 778
Kostromaenergo 0,2 4 184 4 184 4 184 4 189 4 193
Kurskenergo 0,0 4 668 4 681 4 681 4 663 4 703
Lipetskenergo 0,5 3 824 3 810 3 809 3 822 3 821
Orelenergo 0,0 3 082 3 261 3 141 3 142 3 142
Smolenskenergo 0,3 6 048 6 056 6 056 6 059 6 062
Tambovenergo 0,0 4 879 4 886 4 886 4 886 4 887
Tverenergo 0,0 6 841 6 840 6 844 6 844 6 846
Yarenergo 0,0 3 127 3 127 3 135 3 136 3 137
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Length of 0.4-10 kV Conductors (along ROW)1 broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

km Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 0,7 37 501 37 639 37 757 38 021 38 360
Bryanskenergo 0,9 22 352 22 527 22 588 22 652 22 903
Voronezhenergo 0,8 44 054 44 276 44 485 44 649 45 126
Kostromaenergo 1,1 18 184 18 232 18 283 18 340 18 393
Kurskenergo 0,6 29 433 29 452 29 483 29 609 29 803
Lipetskenergo 0,5 24 959 25 051 26 224 26 395 26 649
Orelenergo -0,1 23 309 23 214 23 240 23 240 23 291
Smolenskenergo 0,8 33 181 33 344 33 536 33 861 34 038
Tambovenergo 0,4 22 701 22 754 22 367 22 383 22 652
Tverenergo 0,3 42 046 42 095 41 957 41 952 42 046
Yarenergo 1,0 26 435 26 476 26 523 26 537 26 538
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Length of 0.4-110 kV1 Cables broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

km Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo -1,1 10 123 9 884 9 584 10 011 10 201
Bryanskenergo 18,4 172 179 182 223 328
Voronezhenergo 3,3 401 418 452 481 490
Kostromaenergo 2,7 1 692 1 707 1 751 1 754 1 769
Kurskenergo 3,1 302 308 321 320 344
Lipetskenergo 2,7 1 244 1 287 3 642 3 810 3 852
Orelenergo 30,5 183 169 181 178 182
Smolenskenergo 2,1 2 239 2 276 2 334 2 460 2 537
Tambovenergo 1,3 325 287 288 287 321
Tverenergo 5,0 974 981 1 016 993 1 039
Yarenergo 2,2 3 242 3 275 3 340 3 351 3 349
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Capacity of 35-110 kV1 Substations broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

MVA Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 1,0 3 627 3 631 3 627 3 614 3 569
Bryanskenergo 2,1 2 489 2 607 2 606 2 640 2 674
Voronezhenergo 0,2 4 998 5 063 5 137 5 150 5 170
Kostromaenergo 0,0 1 780 1 780 1 774 1 773 1 774
Kurskenergo 3,4 3 603 3 593 3 594 3 657 3 657
Lipetskenergo -1,1 3 006 3 038 3 100 3 138 3 106
Orelenergo 1,6 1 909 1 910 1 894 1 945 1 945
Smolenskenergo 0,2 3 114 3 170 3 170 3 270 3 550
Tambovenergo 0,0 2 591 2 597 2 597 2 597 2 629
Tverenergo -1,1 4 212 4 211 4 164 4 205 4 205
Yarenergo 0,6 3 263 3 263 3 264 3 219 3 221
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Number of 35-110 kV1 Substations broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

pcs. Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 0,6 182 182 182 184 186
Bryanskenergo 0,0 143 145 145 146 147
Voronezhenergo 0,3 296 297 299 300 301
Kostromaenergo 0,0 165 165 165 165 165
Kurskenergo 0,4 286 286 286 288 288
Lipetskenergo -0,5 200 201 204 206 205
Orelenergo 0,7 147 145 145 146 146
Smolenskenergo 0,0 253 254 254 256 260
Tambovenergo 0,0 221 221 221 221 222
Tverenergo -0,3 313 312 311 312 312
Yarenergo 0,0 172 172 172 165 165
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Capacity of 6-10/0.4 kV1 Transformer and Distribution Substations broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

MVA Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 1,6 4 284 4 329 4 373 4 418 4 451
Bryanskenergo 5,3 811 817 834 823 1 613
Voronezhenergo 3,5 1 847 1 881 1 916 1 968 1 993
Kostromaenergo -0,1 1 549 1 543 1 536 1 536 1 540
Kurskenergo 0,2 1 663 1 666 1 669 1 674 1 733
Lipetskenergo 1,3 1 710 1 719 2 456 2 505 2 539
Orelenergo 1,2 926 929 927 928 911
Smolenskenergo 0,5 1 947 1 987 2 009 2 076 2 121
Tambovenergo 0,6 1 173 1 171 1 166 1 172 1 199
Tverenergo 1,0 1 964 1 978 1 984 2 008 2 024
Yarenergo 2,4 2 080 2 128 2 150 2 172 2 269
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Number of 6-10/0.4 kV1 Transformer and Distribution Substations broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

pcs. Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 1,1 13 667 13 767 13 912 14 035 14 175
Bryanskenergo 1,1 5 979 5 981 6 049 6 047 6 203
Voronezhenergo 1,8 12 221 12 404 12 528 12 712 12 984
Kostromaenergo 0,7 6 531 6 510 6 489 6 488 6 509
Kurskenergo 1,0 9 462 9 548 9 548 9 631 9 792
Lipetskenergo 0,9 9 387 9 434 10 446 10 563 10 702
Orelenergo 0,4 5 913 5 872 5 797 5 804 5 803
Smolenskenergo 1,2 9 830 9 934 10 028 10 166 10 276
Tambovenergo 1,3 6 407 6 461 6 502 6 543 6 701
Tverenergo 0,6 12 614 12 678 12 697 12 827 12 852
Yarenergo 2,3 9 492 9 545 9 583 9 588 9 656
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Number of c.u.1 broken down by Branches in 2020 – 2024

c.u. Начальное изменение 1Q 2020 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 1Q 2023 1Q 2024
Belgorodenergo 5,5 369 861 383 222 396 965 404 712 412 581
Bryanskenergo 27,9 173 550 185 403 187 318 189 814 192 617
Voronezhenergo 8,7 303 217 313 793 320 847 327 225 331 903
Kostromaenergo 5,0 167 644 177 628 179 914 182 924 187 852
Kurskenergo 1,6 208 218 217 354 223 773 227 579 232 504
Lipetskenergo 0,8 186 336 194 616 221 520 227 167 230 537
Orelenergo 3,0 145 319 151 214 158 380 159 592 160 377
Smolenskenergo 4,3 301 046 309 841 326 934 333 635 338 010
Tambovenergo 1,2 147 090 148 762 174 576 179 115 187 332
Tverenergo 0,1 241 440 265 962 301 009 306 490 319 921
Yarenergo 2,2 245 180 258 306 267 889 270 191 297 061
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts

Level of physical deterioration of equipment1 in 2023 – 2024

Name of equipment Начальное изменение 31.03.2023 30.06.2023 30.09.2023 31.12.2023 31.03.2024
Conductors 0.4-20 kV, % none 73,7 73,4 74,0 74,1 74,3
Conductors 35-110 kV, % none 85,0 84,7 85,3 85,4 85,6
Conductors 0.4-110 kV % none 76,5 76,3 76,8 77,0 77,2
Cables 0.4-20 kV, % none 68,8 68,5 69,3 69,5 69,8
Cables 35-110 kV, % none 41,4 40,6 43,4 39,2 40,2
Cables 0.4-110 kV, % none 63,7 63,5 64,4 63,8 64,2
Power lines 35-110 kV, % none 78,6 78,5 78,9 78,5 78,8
Power lines 3-20 kV, % none 74,1 73,8 74,5 74,6 74,8
Power lines 0.4 kV, % none 71,7 71,3 72,1 72,3 72,5
Transformer equipment 35-110 kV, % none 87,1 86,7 87,4 87,6 87,8
Transformer equipment 3-110 kV, % none 83,3 83,0 83,6 83,7 84,0
Switching devices 35-110 kV, % none 77,2 76,7 77,8 78,1 78,3
Switching devices 3-110 kV, % none 75,0 74,4 75,6 75,8 76,1
Substation equipment 35-110 kV, % none 81,5 81,0 82,0 82,2 82,4
Substation equipment 3-110 kV, % none 79,9 79,4 80,3 80,5 80,8
Total wear of Rosseti Centre, % none 76,2 75,8 76,6 76,6 76,9
1 – data presented with taking into account own and leased property, as well as property serviced under contracts