1. Interested party transactions:
No. |
No., date of contract |
Parties of contract |
Subject of contract |
Price of contract |
Interested persons |
Information on approval by the Board of Directors | |
IDGC of Centre – Executive Office | |||||||
1. |
Amendment dated 09.07.2015 № 3/DC7700/00026/15 to agreement dated 12.01.2011 № SDU-1/2010/7700/00001/11 |
SO UES – «System Operator», IDGC of Centre – «IDGC»
Amendment to change terms and conditions of the agreement |
- |
Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (B.I. Ayuev and V.M. Kravchenko) hold positions in management bodies of SO UES |
Minutes dated 27.02.2015 № 03/15 | |
2. |
Amendment dated 06.08.2015 № 1/DC7700/00069/15 to agreement dated 22.08.2014 №7700/00295/2015 |
PJSC «FGC UES» – «Organizer», IDGC of Centre – «Participant» |
Amendment to change the value |
Making 1 electronic signature key – 2 991,41 RUB with VAT; Issue of keyed data with key carrier eToken PRO (Java) 72 Kb – 2 110,68 RUB with VAT |
Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (PJSC «FGC UES») is a party to the transaction, and whose affiliates (O.M. Budargin, S.I. Shmatko, A.E. Murov and A.A. Demin) hold positions in management bodies of PJSC «FGC UES» |
Minutes dated 17.02.2015 № 02/15 | |
3. |
Agreement dated 18.09.2015 №7700/00152/15 |
Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI» – «Contractor», IDGC of Centre – «Customer» |
Agreement to provide services to organize training and improve skills |
870 000 RUB (VAT exempt)
Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (A.V. Novak, O.M. Budargin, A.F. Dyakov, A.E. Murov and S.I. Shmatko) are members of management bodies of Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI» |
Minutes dated 18.09.2015 № 19/15 | |
4. |
Agreement dated 06.11.2015 №7700/00168/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Contractor», PJSC IDGC of South – «Customer» |
Agreement to perform repair work in the aftermath of natural disasters at facilities of IDGC of South - Rostovenergo |
1 778 347,84 RUB with VAT
1.Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, at the same time owns 20 and above % of shares of the legal entity that is a party to the transaction; 2. A.M. Branis, R.A. Filkin, A.V. Shevchuk, Y.N. Pankstyanov and A.N. Kharin – members of the Board of Directors of the Company, at the same time are members of the Board of Directors of PJSC IDGC of South |
Minutes dated 18.09.2015 № 19/15 | |
5. |
Entry into the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (based on the application) |
Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IDGC of Centre – «Parties» |
IDGC of Centre enters the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the purpose of development of business and socio-economic, investment, scientific and technical relations |
50 000 RUB a year |
O.Y. Isaev – General Director and a member of management bodies of the Company, who is also a member of the Management Board of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Minutes dated 16.04.2015 № 08/15 | |
IDGC of Centre – Voronezhenergo division | |||||||
6. |
Agreement dated 09.12.2015 №387250/3600/22215/15 |
IDGC of Centre –Lessor, PJSC «FGC UES» –Lessee |
Electric grid facility lease agreement |
127 679,64 RUB with VAT (11 607,24 RUB with VAT monthly) |
Shareholder of the Company – PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (PJSC «FGC UES») is a party to the transaction, and whose affiliates (O.M. Budargin, S.I. Shmatko, A.E. Murov and A.A. Demin) hold positions in management bodies of PJSC «FGC UES» |
Minutes dated 30.09.2015 № 20/15 | |
IDGC of Centre – Orelenergo division | |||||||
7. |
Agreement dated 31.12.2015 № 5700/08819/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Buyer», SO UES – «Seller» |
Agreement on the purchase and sale of movable property |
1 494 249,2 RUB with VAT
Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (B.I. Ayuev, A.F. Dyakov, A.S. Kalinin and A.E. Murov) hold positions in management bodies of SO UES |
Minutes dated 29.12.2015№ 27/15 | |
IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division | |||||||
8. |
Amendment dated 26.06.2015 №DC6700/02329/15 to agreement dated 07.10.2013 №2/6700/11157/13 |
Russian Agricultural Bank – «Bank», IDGC of Centre – «Recipient of funds»
Amendment to terminate agreement |
- |
Shareholder of the Company – JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (D.S. Morozov and A.Y. Ivanov) are members of the Supervisory Board of Russian Agricultural Bank |
Minutes dated 22.06.2015№ 13/15 | |
IDGC of Centre – Yarenergo division | |||||||
9. |
Agreement dated 29.10.2015 №7600/13196/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Customer», IT Energy – «Contractor» |
Agreement to perform work on the expansion (creation) of a metering system of the electricity retail market with remote data collection № 01/15-ATES |
3 193 506,58 RUB with VAT |
Shareholder of the Company – PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person is a party to the transaction. |
Minutes dated 30.10.2015 № 22/15 | |
10. |
Agreement dated 27.11.2015 №7600/14271/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Contractor», JSC «YarEGC» – «Customer» |
Agreement for operational maintenance of electric grid equipment
The price of the services is based on the cost of the services agreed upon by the parties in the Request for the provision of services for maintenance of electric grid equipment, and may not constitute 2 or more percent of the book value of the Company's assets according to its financial statements as of the last reporting date |
Shareholder of the Company – PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person is a party to the transaction |
Minutes dated 30.10.2015 № 22/15 | |
11. |
Amendment dated 24.12.2015 №1/DC7600/02999/15 to agreement dated 18.12.2012 №0211-92-K/12(7600/12024/12
IDGC of Centre – «Owner», PJSC «FGC UES» – «Company» |
Agreement on compensation to Owner of the residual value of the dismantled parts of the Owner Facilities as well as restoration costs of the Facilities in the new configuration, the reduction of the amount of the Agreement |
20 796 060,73 RUB with VAT |
Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (PJSC «FGC UES») is a party to the transaction, and whose affiliates (O.M. Budargin, S.I. Shmatko, A.E. Murov and A.A. Demin) hold positions in management bodies of PJSC «FGC UES» |
Minutes dated 01.12.2015 № 24/15 |
2. Transactions closed by the Company with state owned companies:
No. |
No., date of contract |
Parties of contract |
Subject of contract |
Price of contract |
Interested persons |
Information on approval by the Board of Directors |
IDGC of Centre – Executive Office | ||||||
1. |
License agreement dated 26.11.2015 №7700/00186/15 |
Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Education «ISPU» – «Licensor», IDGC of Centre – «Licensee» |
Agreement for the provision of non-exclusive rights to use the software package «SW Centurion-ISPU» |
1 400 000 RUB (VAT exempt) |
- |
- |
IDGC of Centre – Orelenergo division | ||||||
2. |
Agreement dated 31.12.2015 № 5700/08819/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Buyer», SO UES – «Seller» |
Agreement on the purchase and sale of movable property |
1 494 249,20 RUB with VAT
Shareholder of the Company – PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (B.I. Ayuev, A.F. Dyakov, A.S. Kalinin and A.E. Murov) hold positions in management bodies of SO UES |
Minutes dated 29.12.2015№ 27/15 |
IDGC of Centre – Tambovenergo division | ||||||
3. |
Agreement dated 22.12.2015 № 6800/12008/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Contractor», JSC «Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending of the Tambov region» – «Applicant» |
Electric grid connection services
12 912 710,13 RUB with VAT
- |
- |
3. Transactions of the Company with shareholders of the Company holding at least 5% of voting shares of the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions were not closed
4. Internal corporate transactions:
No. |
No., date of contract |
Parties of contract |
Subject of contract |
Price of contract |
Interested persons |
Information on approval by the Board of Directors |
IDGC of Centre – Yarenergo division | ||||||
1. |
Agreement dated 27.11.2015 №7600/14271/15 |
IDGC of Centre – «Contractor», JSC «YarEGC» – «Customer» |
Agreement for operational maintenance of electric grid equipment
The price of the services is based on the cost of the services agreed upon by the parties in the Request for the provision of services for maintenance of electric grid equipment, and may not constitute 2 or more percent of the book value of the Company's assets according to its financial statements as of the last reporting date |
Shareholder of the Company - PJSC «Rosseti», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person is a party to the transaction |
Minutes dated 30.10.2015 № 22/15 |
5. Major transactions closed by the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions were not closed
6. Transactions of the Company with members of the Board of Directors of the Company and members of the management bodies of the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions were not closed