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Voronezhenergo’s power engineers eliminated all technological violations in the main 6-110 kV grid of the Voronezh region after the bad weather

8 May 2024

By 08.00 am Moscow time on 8 May 2024, Voronezhenergo’s power engineers had restored the operation of all power facilities in the main 6-110 kV grid, from which power is supplied to large consumers in the region: enterprises, residential complexes, infrastructure and other facilities. Currently, the branch’s specialists are fulfilling individual requests from customers in the 0.4 kV network, through which electricity is supplied primarily to private households. Electricity supply to socially significant facilities is carried out as usual.

112 Voronezhenergo’s crews are involved in the restoration work: 338 people, 161 special vehicles. Work continues around the clock. The branch’s specialists repaired 214 broken power line wires, replaced 141 damaged insulators and 19 poles, and removed 413 fallen trees.

The branch operates an operational headquarters, information exchange is carried out with territorial divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and executive authorities, and the situation is continuously monitored. Special control over the operation of energy facilities has been established.

The power engineers urge residents to be attentive and careful, if you find broken wires of power lines, do not approach them under any circumstances, but contact the energy company or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

You can report power supply interruptions and noticed damage to energy facilities by calling the energy hotline “Bright Line 220” 8-800-220-0-220 (toll-free, 24 hours a day).

In the event of a power failure, you can also leave a request through the company’s interactive services:

  1. On the official website of Rosseti Centre, PJSC:
  2. Through the mobile application “There is light!”, download the links:

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