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Power engineers of IDGC of Centre congratulated on the Knowledge Day pupils of sponsored institutions and children of employees who went to the first form

3 September 2018

Branches of IDGC of Centre (operating in 11 subjects of the Central Federal District) on 3 September congratulated on the Knowledge Day children of employees who went to the first form. Gifts on the occasion of the beginning of the new school year were received by pupils of educational institutions, which the energy company supports.

This year, for the first time, the Knowledge Day was celebrated by about 200 children of employees of the Belgorod branch of IDGC of Centre. For them, joint trips to the cinema and tours to the place of work of parents were organized. Here the guys learned a lot about the energy profession and the rules for safe handling of electricity and took part in quizzes on the rational use of energy resources. And in Valuisky and Gubkinsky Distribution Zones and in Starooskolsky Distribution Zone of Belgorodenergo for the first-graders holidays were organized, timed to the All-Russian festival "Together brighter".

The branch "Kostromaenergo" on the eve of the new school year held the "Day of the energy first-grader", within which members of the Youth Council of the enterprise held for employees’ children, who had crossed the threshold of the school for the first time, games, contests and the very first lesson in their life - on electrical safety. It should be noted that this holiday became a good tradition for the Kostroma power engineers, they held it for the sixth consecutive year. In Lipetskenergo, more than 30 first-graders participated in the festive events: the children had an opportunity to try their hand at street magic and cheerful chemical experiments. The entertaining program for first-graders of Orelenergo was also full: it included a bowling tournament, attractions, the cinema, as well as a cheerful holiday with animators, games, competitions, prizes and sweet treats.

The power engineers did not forget about pupils of sponsored institutions. Employees of the Tambov branch of IDGC of Centre, by good tradition, visited pupils of the boarding school for pupils with disabilities in the village of Krasnenkaya, over which they have been patronizing for more than 20 years. The power engineers gave the children gifts. Employees of Bryanskenergo congratulated on the Knowledge Day pupils of the Mglinsky special boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care. And children from the Znamensky boarding school also received useful gifts for the holiday from their patrons, Orelenergo’s employees: they were given kits for quilling, beadwork, wood burning and molding. And power engineers of Kurskenergo visited the festive line-ups in the Belovo and Peschan secondary schools, congratulated their pupils on the beginning of the new school year and held talks with them on electrical safety issues.

Employees of IDGC of Centre took part in the Knowledge Day and in mass events devoted to health and safety. In Bryansk in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after the 1000th anniversary of the city on 3 September, the Safety Day was held, organized by the regional department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia. The event was held in the form of a large open lesson: the organizers equipped twelve school workplaces, at each of which pupils could obtain new knowledge in various areas of health and safety. At the workplace, equipped by Bryanskenergo, the children got acquainted with the basic rules for safe handling of electricity, under the guidance of an experienced specialist they learned methods of providing first aid to an injured person with the Gosha training simulator, and they collected puzzles for speed. All participants were awarded thematic gifts.

A similar event called "We are the first to come to the rescue" was held in Yaroslavl. Representatives of various organizations and services presented their safety programs within it: rescuers, firemen, policemen, cynologists, special forces, power engineers, gas specialists, railway workers. Representatives of the Yaroslavl branch of IDGC of Centre conducted thematic classes, which told children about the rules of electrical safety, explained the importance of warning signs that are installed on power facilities, demonstrated means of protecting electricians.

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