Specialists of IDGC of Centre and IDGC of Centre and Volga Region have restored the steady operation of the power grid complex in the regions of their responsibility, violated over the weekend by the most powerful cyclone.
However, in the Tver region (IDGC of Centre’s service area), the power company continues emergency and restoration work at two 110-35 kV high-voltage grids, particularly affected by the hurricane. After the main grid of the region starts functioning according to the regular scheme of power supply, the restoration of the distribution 10-0.4 kV grid will be significantly accelerated.
In the Bryansk, Lipetsk (the service area of IDGC of Centre) and Vladimir (the service area of IDGC of Centre and Volga Region) regions, the high availability mode, introduced in connection with the bad weather, was cancelled. In the Smolensk (the service area of IDGC of Centre), Tula, Ryazan, Vladimir (the service area of IDGC of Centre and Volga Region) regions, the emergency restoration work has been completed. In some regions the power engineers are eliminating the remaining technological violations at sections of distribution grids of 6-10 kV, where work is carried out at the request of consumers. Completion of work is planned for the evening of today.
Please, be reminded that in the past weekend, the most powerful squally wind and rain caused power failures in several regions of operational responsibility of both companies. In the service area of IDGC of Centre the bad weather affected, in particular, the Kostroma, Smolensk, Tver and Yaroslavl regions. Among the affected regions of IDGC of Centre and Volga region were the Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kirov and Tula regions.
The power engineers worked around the clock. If necessary, mobile crews from neighbouring regions were sent to help them, which were not affected by the bad weather. Particular attention was paid to socially significant facilities, which, if necessary, were fed from reserve electricity sources.
All activities were carried out under the control of the Rosseti’s Headquarters, the crisis management centres of the energy companies, and will continue until the full restoration of electricity supply to consumers.
After the completion of all restoration measures, the power engineers of both energy companies will monitor the power grid facilities to identify bottlenecks that have failed during the cyclone.
The Contact-Centres of the energy companies receive round-the-clock calls from citizens via the toll-free direct numbers: IDGC of Centre: 8 (800) 50-50-115 or short number 13-50 (for fixed telephones), or by phone +7 (915) 38-000-38 in Telegram and Viber; IDGC of Centre and Volga Region: 8 (800) 100-33-00, and also by phone +7 (920) 05-05-777 in Telegram, WhatsApp and Viber.