Specialists of IDGC of Centre and IDGC of Centre and Volga Region continue to implement a set of measures to restore power supply in the regions affected by bad weather in the Central Federal District.
Please, be reminded that the atmospheric front, accompanied by a strong wind and rain, came to Central Russia on 21 April, having caused technological disruptions in the work of the power grid complex of the Tver, Smolensk regions (the service area of IDGC of Centre), as well as in the Kaluga, Ryazan, Tula and Vladimir regions, where IDGC of Centre and Volga Region operates. On the morning of 22 April, weather conditions deteriorated. A wave of bad weather covered a number of regions, including Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Tambov (the service area of IDGC of Centre) and Ivanovo (regions of IDGC of Centre and Volga Region).
Power engineers of both companies are promptly eliminating the consequences of the bad weather. First of all, the power supply of socially significant facilities and life support facilities is being restored, if necessary, they are powered by mobile backup sources of electricity. In case of further worsening of the meteorological situation, additional mobile crews from neighbouring branches of the energy companies have been sent to the work sites.
All activities are carried out under the control of the Rosseti Headquarters, the crisis management centres of the energy companies and will continue until the full restoration of electricity supply to consumers. Due to the unstable weather phenomena the power engineers of IDGC of Centre and IDGC of Centre and Volga Region have intensified the monitoring of the work of power facilities and the meteorological situation.
The power engineers recommend citizens in case of worsening weather conditions not to be near power lines - this can be deadly.
The Contact-Centres of the energy companies receive round-the-clock calls from citizens via the toll-free direct numbers: IDGC of Centre: 8 (800) 50-50-115 or short number 13-50 (for fixed telephones), or by phone +7 (915) 38-000-38 in Telegram and Viber; IDGC of Centre and Volga Region: 8 (800) 100-33-00, and also by phone +7 (920) 05-05-777 in Telegram, WhatsApp and Viber.