Employees of IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division in 2017 became authors of three rationalization proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of the process of electricity transmission and ensuring the reliability of electricity supply to consumers. Their developments are marked by special certificates and included in the company’s proposal registry, and will soon be included in the consolidated register of innovation proposals of PJSC "Rosseti" in order to disseminate best practices and improve the efficiency of all companies of the Group of Companies.
An engineer of the 1st category of the office of energy saving and power efficiency improvement Vladislav Matyushenko became the author of the proposal "Automation of outdoor lighting of a substation (SS)", which allows lighting energy facilities at night with minimal energy costs. To do this, the power engineer suggested connecting an intermediate relay to the burglar alarms of the substations, which allows automatically switching on the lighting when they are triggered. Currently, the project is being piloted at the 110/35/6 kV substation "Tambovskaya No. 6", due to its implementation it is planned to save about 2,000 kWh per year. The proposal was selected in the nomination "Best rationalization project" from IDGC of Centre for participation in the contest "The Best Engineer-Rationalizer" within the "Year of the Engineer", announced by PJSC "Rosseti" in the 2016-2017 corporate year.
A leading safety specialist of the labour protection service Alexander Kosarev and an electrician for repair of switchgear equipment of the 5th category of the Tambovsky section of the substation service of the office of high-voltage grids Fedor Patyshnev designed a device that allows installing a flexible anchor line at a 10/0.4 package transformer substation directly from of the ground. The flexible anchor line is used by power engineers for climbing electric grid facilities, the proposed solution will shorten the time of work and reduce the risk of electric injury to personnel.
Employees of the Morshansky section of the relay protection, automation, measurement and metrology service became the authors of the proposal for the development of control units for 10 kV vacuum circuit breakers, malfunctions in which repeatedly led to the failure of the circuit breakers. Analyzing their causes, the power engineers proposed to replace the "weak" elements in the block diagram (small-size relays) with more reliable ones. This technical solution was implemented at the 110/35/10 kV substation "Pichaevskaya", allowing to increase the reliability of operation of the circuit breaker, decrease the costs of its maintenance, and reduce the number of failures in the operation of the equipment.
IDGC of Centre conducts systematic work aimed at supporting the rationalization of its employees. In 2017, the company’s list of proposals has already been replenished with 14 proposals submitted by employees of various branches, the largest amount received from Tambovenergo.