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Four branches of IDGC of Centre introduced a high alert operation mode

11 April 2017

The high alert mode due to deteriorating weather conditions has been introduced in the branches of Belgorodenergo, Bryanskenergo, Lipetskenergo and Yarenergo. According to the information of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in the nearest time on the territory of four regions of the Central Black Soil Region wind is expected to increase to 13 m/s with gusts up to 15-17 m/s.

In each of the branches there have been meetings of crisis management centres under the leadership of enterprise managers, at which a number of organizational decisions have been made. A special control over the operation of power facilities has been established. An information exchange has been organized with the territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and executive authorities. If necessary, 657 first responding and repair crews consisting of 3,298 people and 1,176 vehicles and special equipment, as well as contractors’ resources, can be brought to the emergency recovery operations. At the disposal of the branches there are 124 reserve power supply sources, which are necessary for priority supply of electricity to socially important facilities of the regions.

The Contact Centre of IDGC of Centre 24 hours a day receives calls from citizens via the single direct number of power engineers at 8-800-50-50-115 (free of charge). The short number is 13-50.

"Representatives of the unit for selling services of the branches, who directly interact with electricity consumers, gathered here. Participation of young energy specialists in such activities positively affects the formation of a positive image of the company and its successful development," Victor Ablezgov emphasized.

On the first day of the gathering its participants improved their professional level and received new competences necessary for work at business trainings and team-building events. On the second day, as part of the solution of the energy case, using the example of a real operating Distribution Zone, the young energy specialists will work on developing a set of measures to quickly reduce energy losses, protect commercial metering devices, resolve differences with the supplier of last resort and disagreements in the grid connection procedure. The meeting will end on the evening of 12 April.

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