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Kursk branch of IDGC of Centre - the winner of the regional competition on labour protection

24 May 2016

IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division won the first place in the competition for the best state of occupational safety and labour conditions, held among enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Kursk region. A diploma and a valuable gift to the head of the production control and safety office of Kurskenergo Viktor Sokolov was presented by Chairman of the Economy and Development Committee of the Kursk region Yulia Tipikina.

The contest is held each year by the Kursk Region Administration in order to prevent accidents at work and reduce the occupational disease level. The main criteria in determining the winners are indicators of the state of working conditions and safety on the basis of the previous year’s results.

Kurskenergo deserved the high place in the contest. The power company not for the first time in recent years has achieved success in it. In 2014 the branch became the second among 700 participants. In accordance with applicable laws and regulations for work with personnel in electric power companies, Kurskenergo’s team regularly passes all necessary instructions, tests of knowledge.

An important place is given to occupational safety and the single Collective Agreement of IDGC of Centre operating in Kurskenergo, as well as in all other branches. The document provides for training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, rendering first aid to victims. Employees are provided with protective clothing, equipment and devices. Life of power engineers is insured against accidents at work and occupational diseases. Those in need of medical aid are sent to outpatient, inpatient or resort treatment.

In 2015 Kurskenergo spent 35.6 million rubles on the implementation of measures in the field of occupational safety and health.

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