As part of development of the investment attractiveness of the Kostroma region a working meeting of First Deputy General Director for Technical Policy of JSC "Russian Grids" Roman Berdnikov with Governor of the Kostroma Region Sergey Sitnikov was held. The meeting was also attended by Deputy General Director for Technical Issues - Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre Alexander Pilyugin, as well as Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division director Alexander Glebov. On behalf of the administration of the Kostroma region the meeting was attended by Deputy Governor of the Kostroma Region Pavel Alexeev and Director of the Department of State Regulation of Prices and Tariffs Irina Soldatova.
The meeting participants discussed options for power supply of enterprises under construction in Volgorechensk. In particular shops of the plant "Gazpromtrubinvest", which is scheduled to open in 2018 and Metallurgical Plant "Sheksna", which will be opened in 2019. An agreement was reached on the construction of new substations in the city of Volgorechensk. This project will not only allow to provide electricity for the new enterprises, but also to increase the investment attractiveness of the region.
"Today, the administration of the Kostroma region received support in principle of JSC "Russian Grids" for the construction of substations. Technically, all questions are removed. Now we are talking about the tariff. IDGC of Centre is ready to go on investing. Several options will be given for consideration. This will allow together to form a maximum reduced rate, which will be offered to industrial consumers," commented on the results of the meeting Deputy Governor of the Kostroma Region Pavel Alexeev.
"During the meeting Governor of the Kostroma Region Sergey Sitnikov noted that in the case of connection of the given consumers to the grid of IDGC of Centre the projected growth of rates in the region may be stopped due to an increase in electricity consumption. And this in turn will have a positive impact on the overall situation with tariffs for other consumers working in the Kostroma region. In the near future we will have to agree with investors all the details of grid connection of the new facilities," Alexander Glebov comments the meeting.
First Deputy General Director for Technical Policy of JSC "Russian Grids" Roman Berdnikov during the visit to the Kostroma region also held a working meeting with top managers of IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division. The meeting participants reported on the work of the branch in the conditions of the autumn-winter operation period. In turn, Roman Berdnikov summarizing the results of the meeting with Governor of the Kostroma Region Sergey Sitnikov, stressed: "The meeting was constructive and in the near future tripartite negotiations will be held with the regulator and investors building the new industrial facilities to find the best tariff decisions for all. For the grid company this will mean some guaranteed consumption of electricity supplied on the basis of the customer contract demand."