A new training laboratory "Automated process control systems in the electric grid" was created as a result of a joint educational project of the regional university and IDGC of Centre.
The laboratory will train engineers of the supervisory control system service of Kostromaenergo. The program includes 40 hours of classroom lessons.
The first group of experts has already started classes. During a week engineering staff will take a refresher course on working with modern microprocessor production data collection and transmission software of OJSC "SOUTH SYSTEM plus". An in-depth workshop at a specialized workbench of a remote mechanical complex COMPASS TM 2.0 will also be held. In Kostromaenergo more than 20 such complexes were implemented at 110 kV substations within the targeted program of a data collection and transmission system.
The laboratory opening took place in the Kostroma State University in July 2014. Its core activity is the training of specialists to work with the latest microprocessor technology, implemented at facilities of IDGC of Centre. The room is equipped with laboratory devices of relay protection and automation of recent modifications by means of supervisory control, AMR. Equipment and specialized software was provided by the companies - partners: ABB, Systel, SOUTH-system plus, CJSC "Power alliance".
Besides retraining of IDGC of Centre’s specialists the new laboratory will allow the university’s students to get to know the latest developments and samples of supervisory control system equipment, relay protection, AMR. This will increase the competitiveness of young professionals in the further employment in the electric grid company.