Head of Section of Information Systems of IT Department of IDGC of Centre Marianna Belyuchenko spoke at the SAP-forum in Moscow with her report "IDGC of Center streamlines the process of management of accounting and financial documents of the energy company based on SAP DA by OpenText".
The report highlighted the integration project of the Primary documents recording system (PDRS) with the SAP system based on the program SAP DA by OpenText. The project was implemented in the Company in 2010. Its goal - to create a single, scalable centralized repository of primary documents with access to scan images of primary accounting documents both from the PDRS, and from SAP Business Objects, as well as eliminating manual information re-entering into the SAP ERP system while performing a transaction for processing primary accounting documents.
This project implementation significantly reduced the duration of the processing cycle of primary documents and the time for receiving financial reporting by using scanned document images, and geographically independent processing of documents; to ensure interchangeability of accounting staff for processing documents from a common basket; to eliminate a repeated manual data entry into SAP and the PDRS; and to increase the efficiency of collection of primary documents. In addition, they also managed to reduce the time for searching primary documents at the request of tax and other authorities.
The existing corporate resources management information system (ERP) based on SAP is used by more than 12 thousand employees of IDGC of Centre. The system streamlines all key business processes of financial and economic, technical and human resource activities of the Company.