19 August 2011
1.9 million rubles were spent on for vocational training and skills development of the employees of IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division in I half of 2011. 1780 power engineers of the division were trained.
This year 208 people, including 26 managers, 39 specialists and 143 workers improved their skills. Short courses on various programs, including "The retail electricity market", "Devices for measuring quality of electricity", were attended by 586 people.
Currently 18 employees of Bryanskenergo are retrained in Smolensk branch MPEI specializing in "Electric Power Systems and Networks." In the Electrical Networks Districts of the division in I half five students of the given educational institution took their production practice.
The head of the Human Resources Office of IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division, Natalia Galanova, the main task of power men is reliable and quality energy supply to consumers, which in turn depends on the skill level of the staff. In this regard, great attention is paid in Bryanskenergo to continuous training of employees and development of professional skills.