31 August 2010
600 employees of Belgorodenergo, who were working at the damaged power facilities during more than forty-eight hours without a stop, took part in elimination of the consequences of the rough weather. Even during first hours the storm had begun, for breakdown elimination 80 teams more were

additionally involved instead of the usual 45 ones, and by 11:00 p.m. of August 28 the personnel of nine contractor organizations was working. Over 50 units of special machinery were operating at sites. Owing to effective actions of power engineers, over 75% of the damaged equipment had been restored even by the morning of August 30.
First of all power supply of socially significant facilities and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex was restored. They had been transferred at once to backup power sources, that is why power supply interruptions of this facilities did not exceed 20-40 minutes. To ensure power supply of the water intake enterprises four diesel-generators were installed in Belgorodsky district.
To response immediately to applications of residents of the region, new communication channels were opened at hot line of power engineers 8-800-50-50-115 and additional personnel was involved. Within forty-eight hours 38 persons instead of staff five ones were working answering consumers’ calls connected with power interruptions. Over 22 000 calls have been received for forty-eight hours. All applications were entered into database and promptly responded.
Elimination of the consequences of the rough weather was conducted under the supervision of Heads and Chief engineers of distribution zones. All works were conducted in close cooperation with MES and other emergency response and restoration services of the region.
As Viktor Filatov, Deputy General Director – Director of IDGC of Centre division – “Belgorodenergo”, said, the work on elimination of damages had been organized at high level, none person had suffered during the cyclone and power supply restoration.