24 August 2010
“The activity of your company which combines successfully the employees’ competence, good faith, excellent business knowledge and kind attitude to

customers is very important for our city. I thank your collective for quality servicing of population and I hope for the further fruitful cooperation. With all my heart I wish the management and employees of IDGC of Centre further success in all undertakings, happiness, health and welfare”, — the letter says.
Zoya Yudicheva, the Chairperson of the Housing and Utilities Committee of the administration of Kostroma, addressed the letter of gratitude to power engineers as well. She congratulated the collective of Kostroma Client Servicing Centre (CSC) and wished further success in the work.
Kostroma CSC was established in August 2007 and deserved love of Kostroma residents. Here for client convenience there are offices of several power companies of the region and one stop principle is applicable. There are often such opinions in the СSС comments book: “We are proud of the fact that such successful and advanced organisation — CSC of IDGC of Centre division — “Kostromaenergo” functions in our city. It is very convenient, comfortable! Employees render quality services. It’s a fair pleasure to communicate with them. Nina Anatolyevna Negoda”.
An application for technological connection to power grids can be put in, personal account statement and tariff information can be received as well as repair, replacement and electric meter sealing services can be rendered in the CSC. Here free consultations on the issues of power supply and payment for housing and public utility services are performed. From the date of establishment 36 400 applications have been put in

the CSC, including Kostromaenergo — 19 200. 4 700 applications for technological connections have been put in.
“Currently three Client Servicing Centres operate in the region: in Kostroma, Sharya and Nerekhta. Jointly with the city administration we continue to improve population servicing quality. It’s a pleasure that clients trust us, we will be trying to justify their expectations in future”, — Alexandr Glebov, Deputy General Director – Director of IDGC of Centre division – “Kostromaenergo”, emphasized.
To satisfy clients’ expectations, to render consultations, to resolve disputes in the territory of the Company’s operation there is the unified free direct line of power engineers 8-800-50-50-115. Clients can use the Internet-reception on the Company website
www.mrsk-1.ru. This recourse provides consultation on the procedure of technological connection to the Company power grids, information on the package of documents, current tariffs for technological connection, opportunity to report on theft of electric wires.