Kostromskoy, Sudislavlsky and Ostrovskoy districts suffered most of all from the natural disaster. As a result of self-sacrificing efforts of Kostroma power engineers, who are to clear and repair power equipment heaped up with broken bushes and trees, four overhead transmission lines (OTL) of 110 kv were put into operation on June 14 by 10.00 a.m. Specialists of “Energostroyholding”, JSC experienced in assembling of supports at high-voltage lines were involved for quick replacement of the support at OTL-110 kv Kalinki – Sudislavl broken by the natural disaster.
2 OTL-110 kv, 2 OTL-35 kv, 160 TS still remain disconnected. 28 teams, 37 units of special machinery are working at power restoration.
Emergency response center governed by Sergey Shumakher, Deputy General Director for Technical Policy, is established and enhanced control over the course of elimination of consequences of technological disturbances is put in IDGC of Centre. Power engineers will conduct repair works up to complete restoration of normal operation of the power complex of the region.