Andrey Kozodyorov, Deputy General Director — Director of the branch of IDGC of Centre, JSC — “Tambovenergo”, acquainted the guests with the work of the Grid Control Centre (GCC). Establishment of the up-to-date GCC has increased supervision over operating condition of the whole power grid complex in the territory of the region, allowed to monitor breakdowns arisen in the work of the power grid equipment in real time mode. This, in its turn, increased considerably control efficiency and customer service quality.
“For quick and quality work of power engineers GCC is equipped with the up-to-date facilities. Dynamically changing information necessary for this very time point is reflected on video-wall installed here. Dispatchers can apply any scale, up to viewing of each substation. Thus, the video-wall, unlike mosaic diagram, is not a static device”, — Andrey Kozodyorov noted.
The deputies of the State Duma were shown the activity of the Customer Service Centre. The representatives of “Edinaya Russiya” estimated high the opportunity of quality solution of issues of technological connection to the grids of IDGC of Centre, JSC which exists in the region. The participants of the meeting discussed as well issues of grid renovation and power saving technology implementation.
The subject of transfer to the advanced tariff regulation method based on return on invested capital (RAB) became the key one for discussion by power engineers, representatives of the Federal legislative and executive power of Tambov region. Andrey Kozodyorov emphasized that the grid facilities depreciation in the region is over 60 %. If the efficient measures on upgrading and renewal of the distribution grid complex are not taken in the nearest future, so the grid depreciation indicator can grow up to crucial point in several years. Transfer to the long-term regulation of tariffs will initiate additional impulse for development of the grid company. In its turn, it will influence positively on increase of consumers power supply quality.
It is assumed that the branch of IDGC of Centre, JSC — “Tambovenergo” will be transferred to the long-term system of regulation of tariffs for power transmission services since July 1, 2010.
“The subject of pricing and tariff policy for Housing and Utilities services is under special control of the Government and the party of the power“, — Vladimir Pekhtin emphasized.