The most share (85,5 %) of goods, works and services being purchased by IDGC of Centre, JSC consists of purchases for principal production activity of the Company. Above 4,5 billion Rubles are budgeted for new construction and expansion of power grid facilities, this is in 2,7 times more than in 2009. The volume of purchases for reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power facilities has grown up almost in 2 times and amounted to 5,77 billion Rubles in 2010. The volume of being purchased goods, works and services for power repair production and operation needs exceeds 1,6 billion Rubles
To optimize the purchasing activity the Company purchases commodities and materials using up-to-date technologies of interaction with suppliers. Using electronic commerce means in 2010 1 284 purchases amounting to 12,2 billion Rubles will be made, what equals 87 % of total value of being purchased goods and services.
поставщиковElectronic form of organization of trades allows to create transparent competitive landscape, equally comfortable conditions both for local and territorially distant suppliers. The main volume of trades will be on B2B-IDGC and TPS “Elektra” electronic trading sites. Such organization of purchasing procedures allows IDGC of Centre, JSC at satisfaction of high enough technical requirements to purchase goods, works and services at reasonable prices. The main ways of carrying out of purchasing procedures are open competitive tender and open query of proposals. In 2010 purchasing procedures amounting to 7,17 billion Rubles will be carried out in the form of open competitive tender.
Regulation of purchasing activity of the Company includes careful planning of production requirements, market analysis, fair, reasoned and effective choice of the most preferable proposals at complex analysis of price and quality of goods, control performance of contract and use of purchased products.
Sabir Agamaliev, Deputy General Director for Logistics and Material and Technical Supply of IDGC of Centre, JSC, noted: “We are centrally planning needs of all branches of the Company in materials and equipment, unite them in lots according to not the territorial feature but types of products. As a result the high rollers that may grant considerable discounts on their products come into contact with us. This is the way we are ensuring high competitiveness among participants and receive economically grounded prices at goods and services being purchased by us”.