Power engineers continue to restore electricity supply to consumers in the Central Federal District on a 24-hour basis, disturbed by the passage of a powerful cyclone on April 21, 2018.
Thanks to the mobilization in the first minutes of all available forces and means, by the early hours of the night all technological failures in the 110 kV grid were eliminated. By the morning of April 22, 2018, the power engineers, continuing to work around the clock, have almost completely eliminated the consequences of the rampant elements in the 6-35 kV grid.
At the moment, in some remote districts the power engineers are eliminating local violations according to individual requests of consumers.
The elimination of the consequences of the hazardous weather condition with stormy rains and gusts of wind up to 30 m/s is being performed by 650 crews consisting of more than 2,400 people, with over 760 specialized vehicles at their disposal. All de-energized socially significant facilities were immediately re-supplied by the power engineers from backup power supply sources.
The Rosseti Group asks consumers regarding the restoration of the power supply to call the toll-free hotline numbers: 8-800-700-40-70 (Moscow and Moscow region), 8-800-50-50-115 (Tver, Tula, Smolensk regions) and 8-800-100-33-00 (Ryazan, Vladimir, Ivanovo regions).