All available forces and means have been mobilized, including more than 350 crews consisting of almost 1,150 people, with over 370 specialized vehicles at their disposal.
According to the decision of the Headquarters of the Rosseti Group, more than 110 crews with a total number of 565 people stared travelling from neighbouring regions. At their disposal there will be more than 110 specialized vehicles.
Reserve sources of power supply have been used, with the help of which the supply of electricity to socially significant facilities has been ensured.
Director General of the company "Rosseti" Pavel Livinsky personally supervises the course of emergency and recovery work in the regions of the Central Federal District affected by the weather on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
To interact with the population, "hot telephone lines" of regional branches operate. "Rosseti" will continue to inform about the implementation of a set of measures to eliminate technological violations caused by the most difficult weather conditions.