Specialists of IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division have restored the operation of power lines in the 6-10kV grid, damaged as a result of bad weather in the Tver region. At the moment, the power engineers are eliminating individual local faults due to complaints from consumers that come to the contact-centre of IDGC of Centre.
Please, be reminded that on 7 April as a result of squally wind and precipitation in the form of icy rain in a number of districts of the Tver region local power outages were recorded. Ample precipitation made heavier and broke off wires, and gusty wind caused trees to fall out of boundaries of ROWs. Only in one day the wind storm made about 40 trees fall onto wires, broke four poles. Tverenergo’s power engineers promptly eliminated the outages caused by the squally wind. Despite the second wave of bad weather, which caused new technological failures in the work of the power grid complex, the electricity supply to the majority of consumers was restored by the evening of 7 April. In connection with the normalization of weather conditions at 1:30 a.m., a special mode of operation was cancelled at IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division, and a high availability operation mode was introduced.
The power engineers remind that messages on facts of absence and violation of quality of electricity supply in the round-the-clock mode are accepted by the hot line at 8 (800) 505-01-15 or short number 13-50 (for fixed telephones) or by phone +7 (915) 380-00-38 in Telegram and Viber. Also, IDGC of Centre implemented a 24-hour Internet information service for citizens about reasons for the lack of electricity.