Specialists of IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division continue to work on the elimination of damage to power lines. According to operating data at 05:00 p.m. in most districts, where local power outages were recorded, the emergency recovery work on the 6-10 kV grid was completed. The work continues in Kalininsky, Maksatikhinsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts.
Please, be reminded that local power outages in the Tver region are associated with unfavourable weather conditions, namely precipitation in the form of wet snow, strong winds up to 18 m/s. Due to worsening of weather conditions at 12:20 p.m., a special operating mode was introduced in the Tver branch of IDGC of Centre, assuming full mobilization of forces and means. The Tver power engineers are constantly interacting with the Government of the Tver region and the General Directorate of the regional EMERCOM of Russia.
Tverenergo asks residents of the region to be cautious and observe safety rules. If a dangling wire is detected, do not approach it closer than 8-10 m, and report the danger to your Distribution Zone as soon as possible or to the 24-hour Direct Line of Power Engineers at 8 (800) 50-50-115 (free of charge) or short number 1350 (for fixed telephones), and also by phone +7 (915) 38-000-38 in Telegram and Viber. These phone numbers also provide information on the course of emergency repairs and the expected timing of restoration of power supply in your settlement.