Since the beginning of 2017, IDGC of Centre’s specialists have conducted more than 1,000 lessons for children in 11 regions of the Central Federal District in the framework of the program for prevention of electrical injury.
In each of the branches IDGC of Centre throughout the school year holds traditional electrical safety lessons, creative competitions, thematic excursions and open doors days for students of educational institutions. In summer, preventive activities are organized in children’s health camps. During the school holidays IDGC of Centre’s specialists conduct thematic lectures in children’s health institutions.
Classes on electrical safety are conducted by specialists of the labour protection service of IDGC of Centre. The program of electrical safety lessons is prepared in accordance with the age of pupils. In the course of the lessons, power engineers introduce schoolchildren to the requirements of the rules of conduct near electric grid facilities, talk about warning signs for electrical safety, answer questions about electricity. Important in this work is that schoolchildren learn about the threat that electricity presents to those who do not know or neglect the rules, cannot handle household appliances, violate the rules of behaviour near power facilities.
In addition, IDGC of Centre’s specialists conduct active preventive work with teachers, within the framework of which seminars for teachers are organized. At the seminars the power engineers tell about the necessity of informing children and their parents about the rules of electrical safety, the formation of a culture of safe handling of electricity in children. The specialists accompany the lecture material with concrete examples of accidents that occurred with citizens because of ignorance of elementary rules of electrical safety.
Prevention of children’s electrical injury at power grid facilities of IDGC of Centre is a priority area of the company’s activities. On the official corporate site of IDGC of Centre at there is an online application for holding a lesson on prevention of electrical injury posted, as well as methodological materials for helping teachers to conduct thematic lessons and advisory classes.