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Power engineers of IDGC of Centre assisted colleagues in eliminating effects of bad weather in the Rostov region

13 December 2016

36 crews of IDGC of Centre took part in the liquidation of consequences of bad weather on the territory of the Rostov region.

On the night of 9 December, a cyclone passed over the Rostov region, Volgograd region, the Republic of Kalmykia and the Krasnodar Territory, accompanied by heavy snowfall and strong winds. As a result of unfavourable natural phenomena power outages occurred on lines of 0.4 - 500 kV, which caused power interruptions to consumers.

On Friday, 9 December, in accordance with the decision of the crisis management centre of IDGC of Centre 36 crews of 197 people and 62 vehicles from 8 branches of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo, Voronezhenergo, Kurskenergo, Lipetskenergo, Tambovenergo, Bryanskenergo, Orelenergo, Smolenskenergo were sent to participate in the first responding and restoration operations and elimination of the consequences of bad weather in the Rostov region.

On arrival in the Rostov region IDGC of Centre’s specialists were sent to Aksaysky, Neklinovsky and other districts, where they immediately started conducting the first responding and restoration operations. The main work - clearing ROWs and stretching wires of overhead lines, as well as pruning trees, overlapping wires. In Neklinovsky district Bryanskenergo’s specialists promptly carried out the restoration of 8 poles of an overhead power line.

IDGC of Centre’s crews have gained extensive experience in eliminating consequences of failures caused by natural hazards. The crews were fully provided with facilities and equipment for conducting the first responding and restoration operations. The company’s staff moves with crew vehicles that provide for sleeping space for relaxing, eating, have installed heating and ventilation systems.

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