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IDGC of Centre completes the reconstruction of a substation in the Lipetsk region

16 September 2016

The next facility of the reconstruction of the electric grid complex of IDGC of Centre in the current year was the 35/10 kV Substation "Borino" in the Lipetsk region.

The Substation "Borino" was constructed in 1963, and today it is an important feeding centre of one of the most rapidly developing municipalities in the region. Its technical upgrade will solve the problem of power shortage in the region and improve the reliability of power supply to consumers.

All the main equipment of the substation will be replaced within the ongoing reconstruction. To date, outdoor 35 kV switchgear was modernized with installation of modern gas-insulated switches, characterized by high reliability, compactness and environmental friendliness. A modular building of indoor 10 kV switchgear combined with a substation control room was constructed, 4 taps of a 35 kV overhead power line were reconstructed. Reconstruction of 10 taps of a 10 kV overhead power line is in progress. Installation of the latest electrical equipment will provide greater reliability, safety and little service of the power facility.

Two transformers of 4 MVA were replaced with more powerful and modern ones of 6.3 MVA. As a result, the total capacity of the substation has increased by 37%, which will allow to solve the problem of power shortage in the region and improve the reliability of power supply to consumers.

The total investment of the Company in the modernization of the facility will be 98.7 million rubles.

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