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Belgorodenergo to save more than 1 million rubles on the application of energy-efficient transformers

15 September 2016

The economic effect of the planned installation of energy-efficient transformers of 6(10)/0.4 kV in 2016 will be about 499.52 thous. KWh. IDGC of Centre – Belgorodenergo division has started mass implementation of the new power equipment within the framework of the Innovative Development Program of IDGC of Centre.

Transformers with reduced energy consumption are installed in 6-10 kV substations, which feed settlements and individual housing estates and grid connection facilities. The first innovative transformer in the distribution networks of the Belgorod region was installed two years ago. After conducting tests and evaluation of specifications declared by the manufacturer the decision was made on the mass implementation of such equipment.

This year 151 transformers will be installed with their power consumption class below average with a total capacity of 61.33 MW. Given that within the process of transformation of voltage almost one-fifth of the total electricity transmission loss is consumed, the increased energy efficiency class of power equipment is a sure way to save. Experts predict that this year the branch will receive the economic benefits in the amount of 1 million rubles. The planned transition to energy-efficient transformers will allow during 10-15 years to save a total of up to 60 million rubles a year already.

All transformers with reduced energy consumption are manufactured at Russian plants, which have not produced such products until recently. Requests from electric grid companies encouraged producers to increase the range and develop their production. Today, the branch uses the full range of energy-efficient transformers of domestic production - from 160 to 1,250 kVA, systematically improving the process of transmitting electric power through the branch grids.

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