November 21, 2014 the final of the first competition of amateur art, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the company, was held at IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division. Together with the power engineers the festive event brought representatives of administrations of the city of Kursk and the region, partner companies, as well as veterans of the industry.
In his welcoming words, Managing Director of the Administration of the Kursk region, Anatoly Strelkov called the amateur art contest of IDGC of Centre a very important humanitarian action and wished good luck to all participants.
First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre Alexander Pilyugin gave start to a five-hour creative marathon. "Power engineers of IDGC of Centre are both professionals at work and rich in talents," he stressed. "It is good that the competition involved employees from all regions where we operate. This contest will add new colours to the palette of cultural events taking place in the jubilee year of IDGC of Centre."
The contest participants presented to the jury, comprised of representatives of the executive office of IDGC of Centre and Honoured Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation, vocal and dance performances, poetry and songs of their own, offered their own reading versions of classic works of different genres and performed musical numbers.
In evaluating the performances the jury took into account the performance skills of participants, the artistic level, originality and complexity of compositions.
Winners in the categories: music art, dance art, theater, visual arts, arts and crafts, respectively, were: Katerina Khodzhieva - Kurskenergo, Alexander Khorev, Evgeniya Komarova - Orelenergo, Margarita Pakhomova - Kurskenergo, Anastasia Bakulina - Executive Office, Olga Semenova - Kostromaenergo.
Deputy General Director for Human Resource Management and Organizational Design of IDGC of Centre Inna Gromova warmly congratulated the winners of the first contest of amateur art: "On stage and in the audience there was friendly atmosphere that brings the power engineers together, makes us a single strong team. Such events reinforce the corporate culture and enhance the creative activity of the personnel of IDGC of Centre," she stressed.