The trade union of the executive office together with the administration conducts a corporate charity event to raise funds to support the Ukrainian refugees who arrived in various regions of Russia from the war-torn Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
The labour collective of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division handed a large shipment of humanitarian aid to refugees from Slavyansk. The Belgorod power engineers also gave needy families a fridge and a washing machine. The power engineers brought some part of the humanitarian aid to refugees, who were housed at a school for deaf children in Budennogo Street of Belgorod. To date, 104 families live here. The people have got clothes, shoes, toys, children's books to use and money to buy pharmaceuticals.
In the Tver branch of IDGC of Centre a collection point of humanitarian aid was organized. The most necessary things were collected – long-term storage food (cereals, canned, condensed milk), dishes, outerwear (jackets, coats), bedding, and household chemicals. The assistance was provided not only by employees of Tver, but also by Distribution Zones.
More than 300 employees of IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo transferred personal funds to help refugees from Ukraine. In addition, employees of Voronezhenergo and their families for their savings purchased and transferred to forced migrants essentials, hygiene and others. A 10-year-old child suffering from diabetes was provided a month's supply of insulin. According to the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Voronezh region on 07.07.2014 has 1,544 thousand forced migrants from Ukraine registered, including 657 children.
People who find themselves in trouble are very grateful for the assistance.