November 1 on the site of OJSC «FGC UES RDC» the III-rd Open Chess Tournament of Power Engineers took place in memory of M. M. Botvinnik, a distinguished scholar-power engineers and a great chess player of the XX century.
Staff of many departments of subsidiaries of JSC «Russian Grids» took part in the tournament, as well as teams of the Ministry Energy of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the major manufacturers of electrical equipment, research institutes and universities, and energy companies. 20 teams of more than 80 people were competing for prizes.
IDGC of Centre’s team in the tournament was represented by Andrey Uzhva — Engineer of «Belgorodenergo», Valery Gubar — Engineer of «Kurskenergo», Igor Pochikeev — Engineer of «Smolenskenergo», Maxim Dankin — Engineer of «Bryanskenergo», Natalya Vasilyeva — Engineer of «Tverenergo», and Leading Specialist of «Yarenergo» Evgeny Slastukhin.
In a tense struggle IDGC of Centre’s chess players took the lead and won the honourable third place.