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Oleg Budargin: "Heads of grid companies need to take the implementation of repair programs with more responsibility"

26 July 2013

General Director of JSC «Russian Grids» Oleg Budargin found the work on the implementation of the repair program of four distribution grid companies and three branches of FGC UES unsatisfactory. The head of «Russian Grids» reported on the results of the All-Russia meeting on the preparation of electric grid facilities for the autumn-winter operation period.

The greatest criticism of Mr. O. Budargin caused the failure to perform RTN instructions, as well as lagging behind the schedule for repair programs.

Assessing the interim results of the repair programs, Oleg Budargin noted that, despite the fact that in whole for the country the pace of preparation for the winter is even slightly higher than last year, some companies do not pay proper attention to the issue.

Negative assessment of General Director of JSC «Russian Grids», in particular, was received by three branches of FGC UES — MES of East, MES of Urals and MES of North-West, as well as IDGC of North-West, IDGC of North Caucasus, OJSC «TRK» and OJSC «Kubanenergo», which have the most critical situation.

Oleg Budargin gave the heads of transmission and distribution grid companies two weeks to fix the remarks. If after this period no necessary measures are taken, the head of «Russian Grids» will take disciplinary measures.

«Managers need to approach to the implementation of their repair programs with the utmost responsibility. If the situation in the near future does not change, we will have to make appropriate organizational conclusions,» stressed Oleg Budargin.

Also at the meeting, it was noted that the preparation of the country’s power grid facilities for the autumn-winter peak loads this year will take place in two stages. Last year, a similar two-stage preliminary check allowed absolutely all companies of the consolidated power grid complex to get the certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter operation period, indicating its effectiveness.

During the check it is planned to identify negative trends and risks that may occur during the preparation of the grid complex for the successful operation through the autumn-winter period. Such a two-stage preliminary check in advance will allow to identify and remove all shortcomings of power supply facilities.

Oleg Budargin reminded that the deadline to get certificates of readiness for the autumn-winter operation period for enterprises of the grid complex is October 15, and for the Sochi power district is October 1, 2013.

For information:
To date, power grid companies have implemented a set of preparatory activities. According to the companies, by now emergency reserve is already provided by 100% of the approved standards. To implement their investment programs the distribution grid complex has commissioned 34.5% of power lines of the yearly plan, the transmission grid companies have done 33%. In preparation for possible emergency situations and natural disasters, on the site of line and production sections of electric distribution networks 514 mobile crews and 637 crews on the site of units of the transmission grid were created. In addition, the specialists of the distribution grid complex have performed a major overhaul of 140,654 km of power lines, accounting for nearly 44% of the annual plan. They have also done 47.7% of the yearly plan for clearing ROWs. The transmission grid companies have performed the annual plan for clearing ROWs at 34.5%.
In the preparatory stage, special attention will be also paid to the functional test of circuits to melt ice on wires and ground wire of overhead power lines, trials of melting ice have been conducted, as well as trainings on the detection and elimination of ice, snow build-up on the wire and ground wire of overhead power lines. In the period of the winter peak loads in areas with high levels of icing and ice sticking there will be extraordinary inspections of poles, mounting insulator assemblies, line fixtures on all overhead lines that have been affected by mechanical (icing and wind) and the current additional loads.
Based on the results of the operation through the previous autumn-winter period, emphasis will also be given to the formation of mobile reserves, purchase of special vehicles with good cross-country ability, as well as conducting trainings and exercises with staff to prevent emergencies.

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