Shareholders approved the annual report, annual accounting statements, including income and loss statement, as well as profit/losses distribution upon 2009 results. Net profit in the amount of RUR 1.3 bln is distributed among Reserve Fund (RUR 66.2 mln) and production development (RUR 1.32 bln). Decision on non-payment of dividends was approved at the meeting.
The following members were elected in the Board of Directors:
1. Nikolay Nikolayevich Shvets – Director General of JSC “IDGC Holding”
2. Evgeny Fedorovich Makarov – Director General of JSC “IDGC of Centre”
3. Sergey Borisovich Syutkin – Director General of JSC “SO UES” branch - JDC of Centre
4. Alexander Albertovich Popov – Deputy Director General – Head of Personnel of JSC “IDGC Holding”
5. Alexey Yuryevich Perepelkin – Member of the Management Board, Deputy Director General on Corporate Management and Property, JSC “IDGC Holding”
6. Alexey Vladimirovich Sergutin – Director on Economics, JSC “IDGC Holding”
7. Konstantin Yuryevich Petukhov – Director on Development and Sales of Services, JSC “IDGC Holding”
8. Alexander Markovich Branis – Director, “Prosperity Capital Management (RF) Ltd.”
9. Denis Alexandrovich Spirin – Director on Corporate Management, Representative Office, “Prosperity Capital Management (RF) Ltd.”
10. Roman Alexeevich Filkin – Co-Director, electric power energy, machinery, Representative Office, “Prosperity Capital Management (RF) Ltd.”
11. Alexander Grigoryevich Starchenko – Director on Energy, JSC “NLMK”
The following members were elected in the Internal Audit Commission:
1. Izumrud Aligadzhievna Alimuradova – Head of Internal Audit Department, JSC “IDGC Holding”
2. Vladimir Nikolayevich Arkhipov – First Deputy Head of Security Department, JSC “IDGC Holding”
3. Olga Vladimirovna Rokhlina – Chief Expert of Division for Audit Organization and Holding of Internal Audit Department, JSC “IDGC Holding”
4. Galina Ivanovna Meshalova – Chief Expert of Division for Investment Activity Control of Internal Audit Department, JSC “IDGC Holding”
5. Anna Yuryevna Katina – Head of Division for Corporate Management Analysis and Control of Department of Corporate Management and Shareholders Relationship, JSC “IDGC Holding”
Closed Joint-Stock Company “BDO” is approved the Company’s Auditor.
Resolution to approve the Company’s Articles of Association in the new edition is accepted.
Open Joint-Stock Company «Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre» was incorporated on December 17, 2004. Share capital of JSC “IDGC of Centre” equals 4,221,794,146.80, and it is divided into 42,217,941,468 pieces of ordinary registered shares with a par value of 10 (ten) kop. each. The largest shareholder of the Company as of the last date of the list of shareholders (May 12, 2010) is JSC “IDGC Holding” (50.23% of authorized capital stock). The number of Company’s shareholders is more than 17,170. Share codes at stock exchanges: MICEX – MRKC; RTS – MRKC, MRKG.
Company’s revenue (2009) – RUR 49,05 bln, net income (2009) – RUR 1,3 bln, output (2009) – 53,1 bln. kWt*h, net assets (as of January 01, 2010) – RUR 41,3 bln. The Company’s structure comprises the following branches: Belgorodenergo, Bryanskenergo, Voronezhenergo, Kostromaenergo, Kurskenergo, Lipetskenergo, Orelenergo, Smolenskenerg, Tambovenergo, Tverenergo, Yarenergo. The Company operates in the area of 457,000 km2. Personnel number as of January 01, 2010 – 28,331. Director General of the Company – Evgeny Fedorovich Makarov. Official web site of the Company -