The Victory Banner Handover initiated by the coordination Veteran council of IDGC Holding started up in the beginning of May in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow. Veterans of power system jointly with Youth Councils have met replicas of the legendary Victory Banner which is the symbol of the Russian bravery and patriotism in solemn atmosphere in six branches of the Company already. The Handover will finish on June 22 by solemn measure in Kursk. It is available on the Company Website in the section “Photogallery”, under the heading “The Victory Banner Handover”.
On June 2 in Smolensk the presentation of the book which covers Smolensk power industry history from the moment of construction of the first power station of 150 kW capacity in 1901 to completion of construction of Smolensk NPP was held. The publication is prepared остальных энергокомпаний by the Veteran council of Smolenskenergo jointly with veterans of other power companies of the region.
The book contains the information on Heads of Smolenskenergo, photographs of employees, who devoted more than one decade to the power industry. More than one hundred-year history is presented by stories about power industry facilities and recollections about those, who created the power complex of Smolensk land, reconstructed it during past-war years ruins, ensured integration of the regional power industry with the unified power system of Russia half-century ago. The publication narrates as well of establishment and development of production department of the enterprise, TPP, SRPP, service and repair subdivisions that had been included in Smolenskenergo till reorganization.
Boris Kolosov, Chairman of the Veteran council of Smolenskenergo, noted: “This publication is the first book of glorious history of Smolensk power industry and at the same time it proved that veteran organisations established at the initiative of IDGC of Centre, JSC can assist in holding up power traditions both by means of advice and real deeds”.
For reference:
The Company Veteran council was established in IDGC of Centre, JSC in January 2010. Vladimir Skrynnikov, Chairman of the Veteran Count of Voronezhenergo, is the Chairman of the Veteran council of IDGC of Centre, JSC, Viktor Ablyozgov, Adviser General Director of IDGC of Centre, his Deputy, Vyacheslav Krysanov, Deputy Head of the Division of the Department for Personnel Management, is the Secretary of the Veteran council.