In the 1st quarter, 2010 IDGC of Centre has spent over 3,7 million Rubles to environmental measures and compliance with environmental law. Total in 2010 372 measures amounting to over 29 million Rubles are planned to be held.
Within the activity area the Company realizes the complex of measures intended to protect environmental from impact of industrial activity. To protect atmosphere air toxicity level of exhaust gas of motor transport is being controlled, old vehicles are being put out of operation and new ones are being purchased. This year IDGC of Centre, JSC will renew vehicle feet of branches with 179 vehicle units.
With the purpose of sustainable use and protection of water resources the following is being made: laboratory analysis of microbiological, radiological and chemical indicators of ground waste water and discharged waste water, complex clearing of sewage wells and grids. For protection of land resources from harmful and hazardous factors arrangements for buildup of sites for temporary wastes storage have been conducted in the Company, territories of industrial sites are being improved. The Company constantly controls accumulation and temporary storage of extremely hazardous waste - exhausted mercury-vapor lamps.
The Company multi-year perspective program on replacement in distribution grids of 6-10 kv oil circuit breakers to vacuum ones contributes to decrease of environmental risks. Efficiency of such replacement consists in noise level decrease, cleanliness and serviceability, low energy output in electric arc and absence of oil slobbering, gas blow-out at interruption of short circuit current. All these result in decrease of negative environmental impact.
For reference:
Ecologists’ Day or World Environment Day is celebrated virtually in all European countries. This holiday was established by the UN General Assembly on December 15, 1972 in order to pay public attention to the necessity to save and to improve environmental. In 2000 on this day the UN program being supported by UNESCO "Millennium of environmental, get off the dime" started. In Russia this holiday was approved by the Order of the Head of State in 2007. This day is appealed to become the reminder to people about the role of mankind in environmental protection. Selection of date of this holiday is explained by the fact that on June 5, 1972 first in history of mankind special United Nations Environmental Conference was held. Environment Day is by no a professional holiday of ecologists, but a reason for thinking of ecology problems, to pay attention to environmental state.