The necessity in the motor vehicle fleet renewal is obvious: for the last several years the branch has not purchased motor vehicles and operation life of the available ones has been already ending. Tver power engineers of IDGC spent 53 mln Rubles for purchase of motor vehicles.
Alexandr Eyst, Deputy General Director — Director of the branch “Tverenergo”, noted: “Tver region is the largest in CFD, sometimes distance between facilities is up to one hundred kilometers, that is why reliable transport is extremely necessary for us”.
Alexey Shein, Head of the Regional Energy Commission of Tver region, emphasized the magnitude of the event as well: “Tariff for electric power must be justified by quality power supply, that is why I am sure that owing new vehicles the recovery time of technological violations will be reduced, what will influence positively on reliability and quality of power supply of our consumers as well”.
As a whole in 2010 IDGC of Centre is planning to purchase 127 motor vehicles units more for needs of the branches. Renewal of motor vehicle fleet is expected in seven branches of the Company.