24 May 2010
At the meeting it is planned to sum-up the activity of services for measurements, metrology and quality control of electric power (SMMQCEP) of branches in 2009. Participants of the meeting will discuss the results of works on metrological assurance and quality control of electric power, implementation of standard units of metrological assurance means based on program product SAP R/3.
Also specialists are planning to determine the main directions of work in the II half-year of 2010 and plans for 2011. Among main tasks are as follows: transfer to a new target organizational system of branch, record, planning of works and control of operation of measuring instruments (MI) using SAP R/3, organization of work on calibration of measuring instruments and quality control of electric power. Besides, the participants of the meeting will change the internal regulatory documents regulating work of SMMQCEP.