Varfolomey Korobushin, First Vice President of the Academy of Military Science, general-colonel, participant of the battle for Berlin solemnly handed over the replica of legendary Banner — the assault flag of 150th Order of Kutuzov of II degree of Idritsk Rifle Division erected above the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945 to Viktor Ablyozgov, Adviser General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC. Replicas of the Victory Banner were handed over to the representatives of all IDGC of Russia. Within the frameworks of solemn event short excursion to hall of Victory and new exposition of the museum “War and People” was held for power engineers.
“The Symbol of the Great Victory demonstrates intergenerational continuity and inextricable connection with heroic past of our country. Every year on May 9 we bow low to front veterans for they have won for us opportunity to live and work, bring up children, make plans for future unshadowed by war and calamity peacefully. The Victory Banner that we place in one of museums of our company will be the great symbol of bravery and patriotism of Russian people”, — Viktor Ablyozgov noted.
Solemn events devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Victory will be held in all branches of IDGC of Centre beginning form May 6 and will end on the Memorial Day on June 22 by the handover of the Victory Banner replica to one of museums of the Company branches.
For reference:
Victory Banner is the official symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people and its armed forces over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-45, the state relic of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Federal law “On Victory Banner” it is the assault flag of 150th Order of Kutuzov of II degree of Idritsk Rifle Division erected above the Reichstag in Berlin. On May 9 the Banner will be borne at the Victory Parade on the Red Square. Annual handover of Victory Banner replicas is the Russian tradition immortalizing memory of those who died for liberty and independence of our Motherland.