19 August 2011
The investment program of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division for I half of 2011 amounted to 213.1 million rubles. 111.1 million rubles were spent on the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power facilities. More than 102 million rubles were invested into new construction, including the program of new connections.
Power men of IDGC of Centre in Kursk are continuing the reconstruction of the substation (SS) "Hothouse" in Kursk, the implementation of the comprehensive plan to ensure electricity supply to facilities of the agro-industrial complex of Gorshechensky and Fatezhsky districts, providing for construction of new power lines, transformer substations and modernization of existing 110/35 kV substations in order to be able to supply extra power.
In the regional center, construction of a new 110 kV cable line to power the 110 kV substation "Central" and the reconstruction of the Distribution Control Center is under way. In I half of 2011 power men of IDGC of Centre – Kurskenergo division reconstructed and constructed more than 45.6 km of distribution networks, installed 35 transformer substations (TS) 10/0,4 kV, including 7 pole- mounted TS-10/0.4 kV in the villages, towns and district centers.
Total in 2011 IDGC of Centre is planning to invest in the construction and modernization of power facilities in the Kursk region over 816.2 million rubles, to put into operation 332.2 km of power lines and 85.4 MVA transformer capacity.