"Despite the constant attacks by the Nazis, power men worked very hard. In the regional center at that time there was a large railway station, a repair station for armored vehicles, the city for a long time became a large hospital - all that needed electricity. Power men of Central Power Plant of Kursk were not allowed to shut down the main equipment and disconnect the electrical grid, despite their wear and tear.
We remember and honor those who restored our city from the ruins, including the power men, whose selfless work, perseverance created what we are all proud of today ", - said chairman of the youth Council of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division, Yury Piskun.
Together with the residents of Kursk power men came to the memorial to the fallen in World War II, where they laid flowers at the Eternal Flame. At the foot of the monument the staff of Kurskenergo once again remembered the people that with their great feat of heroism and courage, managed to turn the course of the war. Then those present at the meeting paid tribute with a minute of silence.
Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division director, Alexander Pilyugin said: "It is very important that after so many years of the youth of Kurskenergo could understand the enormous historical significance of this event. Peaceful sky over the land of Kursk, the freedom of Kursk residents, the future of their children and grandchildren in 1943 were paid by the blood of our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers, known and unknown heroes. Every resident of our glorious region, today's power men are trying to be worthy of the memory of great ancestors."
For information:
The Battle of Kursk lasted from July 5 to August 23, 1943 and was one of the key battles of World War II. After completion of the Battle the strategic initiative in the war came to the side of the Soviet troops.