Voronezh power men of IDGC of Centre continue to develop their services. Positive dynamics is traced in the implementation of operational services, technical management and maintenance of electrical networks. The division in I half 2011 services 260 customer transformer substations. The major customers of the division are JSC "Votek-Mobile» (TELE2), JSC "Voronezhnefteprodukt" (Rosneft).
A promising direction in the development of additional services is still replacement, installation, inspection of connection schemes of metering devices. For I half 2011 12 032 applications were received in this direction from customers of the Voronezh region. The division concluded a major contract for service of metering points of "Gazprom Transgaz Moscow" LLC.
Also, applications are received for design, construction, operation and repair of street lighting. As part of this service replacement of bulbs for energy saving ones, lighting fixtures on poles and operational maintenance of street lighting is performed. The cost of service is open, constant work is performed with the heads of all districts of the Voronezh region to conclude agreements on the maintenance of street lighting. Now the service mostly is in demand in Pavlovsky, Ternovsky and Novokhopersky districts of the region.
"Voronezhenergo has been already providing consumers with additional services for several years. During these years the list of services has been increased significantly, and interest in the services has increased. Specialists of the division assist clients in preparation of documents and obtaining approvals and advise on extra services. Now we can say with certainty that the additional services are one of the fastest growing activities of the division", - said the Head of customer interaction Office of Voronezhenergo, Sergey Maksimov.
In regards with all matters related to additional services, customers can get advice by contacting the Customer Service Centres or by calling the direct Power line at 8-800-50-50-115 (toll free).