Certification of IDGC of Centre became the unique project: quality management system had been implemented and successfully certified within frameworks of the whole large structure of the Unified Operating Company with total number of personnel exceeding 28 000 employees. In the course of audits of the Company subdivisions experts form BSI noted high level of business-process management system complying with the requirements of the international standard.
Evgeny Makarov, General Director of IDGC of Centre, thanked all employees of the Company for great contribution to the development of the quality management system. “When building QMS of the Unified Operating Company we have not been relying on already existing decisions but have created our own new management system and today all employees of IDGC of Centre have taken passing certification as their own personal goal”, — Evgeny Makarov emphasized.
IDGC of Centre became also the recipient of the special award of BSI. Only companies making considerable contribution to the development of the idea of international certification of management systems are honored to obtain such prestige award. The number of BSI award recipients includes management bodies of developed countries, transnational corporations, and earlier among Russian clients of BSI the central apparatus of Savings Bank of Russia was honored to obtain such award.
“Work made by IDGC of Centre is large-scale and significant — the quality management system has been successfully implemented in all 11 divisions of the Company. IDGC of Centre belongs to that rare group of companies for which certification is important not as marketing instrument and possibility to increase brand valuation and volume of sales but as the potential to increase own efficiency of business-processes of the Company and quality of being rendered services. Namely such companies make main contribution to the development of the very idea of management systems”, — Evgeny Shipilov, Operative Director of Russian representative office of British Standards Institution, noted.
Till the end of 2011 IDGC of centre plans to implement environmental management system in compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2004 and labour protection system according to standard OHSAS 18001:2007. Departments of integrated management systems are established in every division of the Company for implementation of this project. Implementation of environmental management and labour protection systems will allow the Company to minimize environmental risks, as well as the risks connected with industrial injuries.
For reference
British Standards Institution is the largest international certification body which number of clients exceeds 80 000 in 106 countries of the world. BSI Group has been being the leader in submission of business-solutions in the field of standardization and management systems to organisations all over the world for 100 years already. BSI is one of the founders and partner of the International Standardization Organisation (ISO) as well as other international organisations and associations.