Exhibition stand of Kurskenergo at Х Korenskaya fair was visited by above thousand representatives of Russian and far-abroad countries, Ambassador of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation, representatives of Embassies of Namibia, Angola, the Republic of Zambia in Russia. The guests’ special attention was called by information on services and additional services of the Company. Capabilities of intelligent grids which elements such as reclosers, booster transformers (boosters), automated measuring and information system for electric power fiscal accounting are being used in Kurskenergo even today and will be the basis for development of infrastructure of the city of future have been represented at exposition “Smart grids” — is the basis of “smart cities”. Traditionally field Client Service Centre of the branch equipped with all necessary for autonomic activity in the four corners of the region was operating near to the exposition.
The press-conference the main topic of which was development of power industry of Kursk region and issues of technological connection in conditions of RAB-regulation of tariffs for electric power was held within frameworks of the fair. Representatives of administration of Kursk region and municipal entities, public organisations, regional mass media participated in the event. Heads of the branch of IDGC of Centre, JSC — “Kurskenergo” presented activity of the branch in conditions of RAB-regulation of tariffs for electric power, told about plans of development and answered questions.
Alexandr Pilyugin noted that the branch has successfully fulfilled the main technical and economical indicators of 2009 and five months of the current year. Transfer of Kurskenergo to new method of tariff regulation since January 1, 2010 gave serious impetus to development of the whole distribution electric power complex of Kursk region. On the basis of the region electric power industry development program the branch developed medium-term investment program according to which in 2010—2012 it is planned to invest 2,8 billion Rubles into reconstruction and development of power grid infrastructure of the region.
Alexey Brezhnev, Deputy Director for Economy and Finance of the branch of IDGC of Centre, JSC — “Kurskenergo” emphasized: “The next step is investment program of Kurskenergo from 2010 to 2014 developed on the basis of the region development program. In this program construction of SS-110/10 kv “Severnaya” amounting to 282 million Rubles and SS-110/10 kv “Rodniki” with investments into construction amounting to 237 million Rubles is planned. New sources of supply will allow to reduce tariff for technological connection to power grids”.
Vladimir Glotov, Chairman of Kursk regional department of All-Russian Public Organisation of Small and Middle Entrepreneurship “Opora Rossii” expressed entrepreneurs’ opinion on large-scale changes occurring in power industry of the region: “New method of tariff regulation is perspective. It’s very important, that the region joined in this program. I hope, that in the nearest time we shall see that RAB will be for the sake of small and medium business foremost”.