24 May 2010

вопросами Within the frameworks of the exhibition there was round table on recent power saving technologies and equipment for industrial facilities and enterprises of housing and utilities. “Principle issues of discussion were the topical subjects of increase of power efficiency, up-to-date approaches to engineering and arrangement of automated systems of accounting of power resources at the facilities of housing and utilities”, — Tatiana Atanasova, Head of the Department for Interaction with Clients of Tverenergo, noted.
Specialists of Tverenergo introduced auxiliary services that IDGC of Centre, JSC renders its clients to the participants and visitors of the exhibition. At present the most in-demand and socially significant services are those on modernization and maintenance of grids of outdoor and internal lightning and carrying out of complex of measures on power saving. At present a pilot project on maintenance of grids of lightning of route Moscow — Saint-Petersburg within the territory of Tver region is being prepared by the power engineers for startup.

The list of auxiliary services being rendered by the Company includes installation and repair of up-to-date accounting meters, test and diagnostics of high-voltage equipment, electro-protective means, and complex maintenance of automated informative electric power accounting system (AIEPAS) as well. This and other types of works give an opportunity to increase power efficiency of an enterprise or a house, to reduce value of losses by means of increasing of controllability of output of electric power and capacity, to perform exact accounting of electric power consumption.
Evgeny Grabchak, Head of the department of development of services and additional services of IDGC of Centre, JSC, noted: “Our Company is aiming to render its clients the full range of services in accordance with the safety and quality requirements specified by the State. Specialists of IDGC of Centre will render the necessary service qualitatively and duly having secured a client from further problems with power supply, and the Company will spend proceeds from rendering the auxiliary services for development of business and technical re-equipment of power facilities”.
On all matters relating to power supply or rendering of auxiliary services clients may approach Client Service Centres existing in all regions where IDGC of Centre operates, through internet-reception
www.mrsk-1.ru or by twenty-four-hour free dial-up line 8-800-50-50-115.