The shareholders approved the annual report, annual accounting reporting, including the Profit and Loss Statement as well as Profit/loss Distribution Statement following the results 2008. Net profit in the amount of 2,17 bln Rubles is distributed to the Reserve fund (108,25 mln Rubles) and production development(2,06 bln Rubles). The decision to pay out devidends is taken at the meeting.
The following members are elected to the new Board of Directors:
1. Alexandr Markovich Branis — Director of representative office «Prosperity Capital Management(RF) Ltd.»
2. Sergey Nikolaevich Ivanov — First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of FGC of UES, JSC
3. Sergey Borisovich Kosarev — Deputy General Director for the Corporate Governance and Property of IDGC Holding, JSC
4. Evgeny Fedorovich Makarov — General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC
5. Sergey Nikolaevich Popovsky — Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Financial Settlements of "ATS", JSC in Wholesale market for electricity and power
6. Tatiana Alexandrovna Seliverstova — Head of the Securities Division of the Department for the Corporate Governance and Interaction with shareholders of IDGC Holding, JSC
7. Denis Alexandrovich Spirin — Director of representative office «Prosperity Capital Management(RF) Ltd.»
8. Alexandr Grigoryevich Starchenko — Director for Power of "NLMK", JSC
9. Sergey Borisovich Syutkin — General Director of the branch Interregional Dispatching Office of Centre of "SO UES", JSC
10. Maria Gennadyevna Tikhonova — Head of the Division for the Corporate Governance and Economic Examination of the Department for Economic Regulaltion and Property Relations in Fгуд and Energy Complex of Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
11. Roman Alexeevich Filkin — Director of representative office «Prosperity Capital Management(RF) Ltd.»
The following members are elected to the Audit Committee:
1. Vadim Evgenyevich Bunin — Head of the Department for Internal Control and Audit of IDGC of Centre, JSC
2. Anna Yuryevna Katina — Head of the Division of the Department for the Corporate Governance and Interaction with shareholders of IDGC Holding, JSC
3. Liudmila Romanovna Matyunina — First Deputy Head of the Department for Internal Audit of IDGC Holding, JSC
4. Irina Vasilyevna Mikhno — Deputy Head of the Department — Head of the Division of the Department for Internal Audit of IDGC of Centre, JSC
5. Olga Vladimirovna Rokhlina — Chief Expert of the Department for Internal Audit of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Closed JSC "HLB Vneshaudit" is approved as the Auditor of the Company.