In the first half of the year, 1,009 consumers with a total capacity of 33.25 MW were connected to grids of “Rosseti Centre Smolenskenergo” for more than 39 million rubles. Dozens of enterprises and hundreds of residents of the region were provided with electricity.
The overwhelming majority of grid connections (869 contracts) are consumers’ connections with a maximum capacity of up to 15 kW inclusive (preferential categories of applicants). The branch’s own capital investments for the execution of applications for the preferential category amounted to 216 million rubles. This is 55% of the disbursed funds provided for the renewal and development of the electric grid facilities of the entire region within the framework of the enterprise’s investment program in 2020. Regardless of the amount of work required in the grids, the payment for grid connection for the preferential category of applicants is 550 rubles.
The leaders in terms of the number of applicants wishing to connect to the branch’s grids were the Gagarinsky and Roslavlsky districts of the region, as well as the city of Smolensk.
The largest grid connection facility this year was the Leroy Merlin shopping centre in Smolensk. The capacity provided to the future shopping complex was 1 MW. The substation 110/35/6 kV Severnaya became the power source. After the opening of the shopping centre in Smolensk, there will be more than 150 new jobs.
Grid connection of small and medium-sized businesses is under the special control of the branch. This is due to the fact that the promptness of the execution of applications for grid connection is one of the factors of the investment attractiveness of the region.