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Kostroma power engineers provided backup power to hospitals in Kostroma


Specialists of “Rosseti Centre Kostromaenergo” provided a backup source of power supply with a capacity of 100 kW to a hospital for war veterans. In early May, the hospital will be redesigned for treatment of patients with coronavirus. The facility can accommodate 78 coronavirus patients.

Earlier, on the territory of the regional hospital of Kostroma District No. 2 of Kostroma, to ensure the first category of reliability of power supply, an automatic reserve transfer device of the main building was installed and the device was installed in the infectious building and a 200 kW backup source of power supply was installed. A similar backup source of power supply, but with a greater capacity of 400 kW, was installed by Kostromaenergo’s City Distribution Zone in the city district hospital No. 2.

The quick actions of Kostroma power engineers will prevent the occurrence of potentially possible emergency situations in medical facilities, as well as ensure the reliability and uninterrupted power supply.

Pavel Livinskiy, Director General of Rosseti’s Group of Companies, pointed to the importance of maintaining power supply to medical facilities under special control in the prevailing adverse epidemiological situation. All structural subdivisions of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region strictly comply with the instructions of the head of the group of companies.

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