Ilya Kuzminov, a leading engineer of the centre for production asset management, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the branch “Rosseti Centre Kostromaenergo”, achieved double success at the Kostroma Region Open Championship in classical powerlifting.
The power engineer won a landslide victory in the 93 kg category, gaining 645 points based on the results of three exercises - squats with a barbell on his shoulders, bench press and deadlift. In addition, the young athlete won the 2nd place in the absolute championship among men (open category). The competitions were held in the athletic complex “Athletic Hall” in Kostroma. Athletes representing 9 teams of the Kostroma and Ivanovo regions took part in them.
Now Ilya is actively preparing to adequately represent the Kostroma region at the All-Russian competition “Moscow Lights”.
“I hope that Ilya Kuzminov, like our other athletes, will have no problems with showing decent results on the Moscow platform,” stressed Alexander Urazov, President of the Powerlifting Federation of the Kostroma region.