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Yaroslavl power engineers connected a new kindergarten to the power grid


Specialists of the branch “Rosseti Centre Yarenergo” completed work on connection to the electric grid of a new kindergarten in the city of Yaroslavl.

The three-story building in the Frunzensky district will soon open doors for the first little visitors. The preschool educational institution is located in Kirpichnaya Street - in the place of active housing construction. The kindergarten is designed for 220 children, it also has a gym, a first-aid post, offices of psychologists and speech therapists, a large fenced area with verandas is provided for walks. And the first guests in it can be power engineers with a lesson on safe handling of electricity. Yarenergo’s employees actively visit schools, kindergartens and camps, where they tell children about electric current and the basic rules that must be observed when handling it.

The kindergarten, which was built as part of the national project “Demography” and the regional targeted investment program, will create comfortable conditions for young families with children from nearby new buildings. The educational institution receives electricity from the “Yuzhnaya” substation of the branch “Rosseti Centre Yarenergo”. The power consumption of the facility is 148 kW.

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